Take a photo tour of Wooster Natural Foods, to see what's on the shelves!
Products we carry at Wooster Natural Foods:
- Healthy snacks
- Bulk herbs and spices
- Packaged and bulk teas
- Canned and packaged goods
- Breads and cereals
- Soups and sauces
- Juices and soft drinks
- Honey, molasses, vinegar
- Pre-bagged bulk granolas, grains, flours, nuts, and seeds
- Soaps, toothpaste, hair care, deodorants, etc
- Vitamins and supplements
- Dr Oz recommended products
- Ice cream, frozen yogurt and treats
- Frozen meats and meat substitutes
- Frozen foods, non-dairy products
- Milk, yogurt, butter, and cheese
- Free-range eggs
- Household cleaners and paper products
- Insect repellents and skin care items
- Much more!
If you want to make comments or have any questions for Wooster Natural Foods, please visit our Facebook page. Thank you!