Saturday, January 7, 2017

                 Co-op Annual All-Member meeting notice:

We will have our Annual All-Member meeting of Wooster Natural Foods on Sunday, January 15, 2017, at 2 PM at the Co-op, 138 E Liberty St, Wooster. OH 44691.  Anyone who is a member of this food co-op is welcomed to attend this meeting, but please let us know ahead of time that you are coming, so we can figure out what seating needs we’ll have.  Call the store at 330-264-9797 and ask the staff to put you on the attendance list.

Besides the Council and Staff presenting our annual reports, we are seeking applicants for positions on the Council.

The Council meets on the third Sunday of each month at 2 PM, and we are strictly an advisory group for the Staff.  New Council applicants will be voted on at this Annual Meeting, with one vote per member household, among those present at the meeting.

If you are interested in applying for a position on the Council, please email me at, and I will email you a small form to fill out and return to me. Only those who have filled out these forms can be considered for Council election at the Annual Meeting.

Also please email, call, or text me, if you have questions about the All Member Meeting., 330-317-2167.

Many thanks, Susi,

Susan Shie, President of the Council, Wooster Natural Foods, aka Wooster Food Co-op.
PS.  If you don't already use our Wooster Natural Foods page on Facebook, check it out now!